
Assignment Editing

What is Different about Assignment Editing

Assignments come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from essays, presentations, case studies and reports to abstracts, literature reviews, problem questions and reflective journals. Each of these assignment types serve a distinctive purpose, may be targeted towards different reading audiences and may have different structural or language demands. Regardless of the assignment type or level of study, Capstone Editing can assist you in meeting your assignment requirements while giving you guidance on how to address similar writing pieces in future.

The Benefits of Assignment Editing

Aside from the obvious benefit of potentially higher grades due to increased clarity and your own increased knowledge gained from the use of our service, assignment editing ensures that the calibre of the content in your writing is not marred by simple issues such as sentence structure, grammar and spelling. Often, as much as you proofread your document, you may miss errors or not be able to see alternative perspectives, simply because you have read the section over too many times. This is where an external viewpoint can be helpful; Capstone Editing’s expert assignment editors will be able to find opportunities to improve your writing’s functionality and clarity.

Your experienced academic editor will ensure that your assignment:
  • Addresses the assignment task logically and appropriately, meeting requirements such as marking criteria and word limits.
  • Uses the correct formatting and language style as required of the assignment.
  • Does not contain any spelling, grammatical, punctuation or structural issues.
  • Is correctly referenced based on the set guidelines (e.g., MLA, APA, Harvard or Chicago), both in text and in your bibliography or reference list.
Professional assignment proofreading and editing provides benefits such as:
  • Helping you achieve higher writing standards and produce quality assignments.
  • Saving you time so you can focus on developing your knowledge of the content of your course or subject.
  • Self-improvement through a comprehensive letter from your editor explaining common errors and giving future recommendations and detailed advice.

Capstone Editing’s Assignment Editing Services

The following are the range of services you can access when you submit your assignment for editing.

Premium Copyediting

The most popular of our services, Premium Copyediting caters to the requirements of most of our clients. Your assignment will undergo a thorough review by your assignment editor, incorporating reviews of spelling, grammar, punctuation, style, logic as well as consistency and structure.

If Premium Copyediting sounds like the service you require, you can submit your assignment for editing.

Substantive and Heavy Editing

Should you wish for more comprehensive and specialised editing for your assignment, these are further services Capstone Editing offer:

  • Substantive Editing
    Designed as an extension of the Premium Copyediting service, Substantive Editing covers fundamental language editing but also includes further refinement of the assignment’s structure, organisation, logic and flow. Our experienced editors may adapt and reword parts of the assignment as a means of improving the clarity and validity of your writing. This service is not permissible for students but is available to academic, industry and government clients.
  • Platinum (Heavy) Editing
    Capstone Editing’s Platinum (Heavy) Editing service was initially designed to assist non-Native English (ESL) writers, but it can also assist any client who requires deeper editing that incorporates considerable sentence rewording in their writing pieces. The review will include in-depth advice to improve the structure and organisation of the writing as well as a review of statements needing further support.

Contact Capstone Editing via email and we can provide you with further information about these services as well as provide a personalised quotation.


For assignments that do not require language or structural editing, Capstone Editing’s proofreading service may be sufficient to ensure your assignment is consistent and polished to perfection. You can enquire about our proofreading service by emailing us your document.

Tailor-Made Services

Capstone Editing can also cater to more specific academic editing requests such as assisting you in converting your assignment into a different form of document, for example, a journal article or a conference presentation. To enquire about our tailor-made services, please email us your document with your specific instructions, so we can determine what will need to be done and to provide you with an appropriate quotation.

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