
Project Editing

What is Different about Project Editing

We at Capstone Editing understand that projects involve considerable research and development, and may be carried out as part of an academic course or may be a requirement of your professional career. Project documentation and reporting often requires specific formatting, technical language and the presentation of quantitative and qualitative data using clear and meaningful methods. Capstone Editing’s highly qualified project editors can stand by you through the developmental process all the way to the end product, and ensure that your project meets its intended purpose by ensuring your document is polished, persuasive and professional.

The Benefits of Project Editing

Professional academic editing can be key to producing an outstanding project. Your project is in expert hands with the academic editors at Capstone Editing, who have years of experience and hail from a range of specialist academic areas. Not only can our editors improve the grammar, structure and tone of your writing, but they can also review the clarity, cogency and logical sequence of the facts presented in your project.

Capstone Editing’s professional editors are committed to:
  • Identifying and correcting all spelling, grammatical, punctuation and formatting issues within your project.
  • Detecting and refining any inconsistencies in word choice, sentence structure, and the flow and coherence of your writing.
  • Ensuring the report is presented using concise language, factual clarity and the appropriate tone to address the reader.
  • Assessing your bibliography and in-text referencing to ensure they comply with the required reference style.
Professional project editing is an excellent way to:
  • Increase the chances of your project adhering to guidelines and achieving its purpose.
  • Increase efficiency and time management by allowing you to focus on the development and process of the project.
  • Allow you to reflect on your aptitude and then improve for the future, through a comprehensive review that your project editor will provide to you after proofreading your document.

Capstone Editing’s Assignment Editing Services

Capstone Editing understands the significance a project can have to your academic or business career, hence we strive to provide you with the service that best suits your needs.

Premium Copyediting

Most of our academic and professional clients find that our Premium Copyediting service is an ideal choice when reviewing their project needs. Our experienced editors are the foremost experts at detecting errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, style and formatting. They will also assiduously review the logic, clarity, flow, internal consistency as well as completeness and structure of your document.

Our Premium Copyediting service can be accessed by submitting your project online.

Substantive and Heavy Editing

Occasionally, our clients may pursue more meticulous refinement for their projects and if this is required, you may choose from the following options:

  • Substantive Editing
    Capstone Editing’s Substantive Editing service encompasses all areas within the Premium Copyediting service but provides a greater emphasis on enhancing the organisation, structure, logic and flow of the project, which may include adaptation and rewording. This style of editing is particularly beneficial to industry and government clients who may have distinct aspirations and objectives to achieve through their project.
  • Platinum (Heavy) Editing
    This service is also an extension of the Premium Copyediting service but is specifically devised to help non-Native English (ESL) writers achieve a higher standard of writing. Platinum (Heavy) Editing may involve extensive editing such as rewording of sentences and identifying statements needing further support. Clients will also be provided with detailed and constructive advice to improve the writing in future.

Should you wish to access either of these services or would like more information, please email us, attaching the draft of your project as well as your detailed editing instructions.


If you are relatively satisfied with the written component of your project but would simply like a professional editor to review your final draft, our proofreading service may be sufficient for you. Should you wish for one of our editors to polish your writing to perfection, you can email us your document to enquire about this service.

Tailor-Made Services

The possibilities are endless with Capstone Editing. Many of our clients have used our services to achieve further aspirations for their projects, such as modifying them into journal articles or into conference papers for presentation. Please contact us via email to enquire about our tailor-made services to discuss how we can help you achieve the most with your project.

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