
Do I Need Thesis Editing?


Hi, I’m Dr Lisa Lines, from Capstone Editing. If you’re watching this video, chances are you are nearing the end of writing up your thesis, and you’re beginning to look at your options for professional academic editing.

Having your thesis professionally edited is an extremely important part of finalising your thesis, which is arguably the most important document of your academic career.

You need your research to be presented in the best possible light, and the last thing you want is to be required to complete minor or major corrections after examination if this can be avoided.

As you probably know, your university expects all submitted theses to be of publication standard. This is simply not achievable without the assistance of a professional academic editor, no matter how skilled you are as a writer. You, and your supervisor, are much too close to your thesis to be able to polish it to the necessary level.

By securing the assistance of Capstone Editing, you can be certain that your editor will locate all the errors that you cannot and improve your thesis as much as possible while strictly following the ‘Guidelines for Editing Research Theses’.

Capstone Editing provides the highest-quality and most comprehensive professional thesis editing service available. Our service includes absolutely everything that your university will allow a professional editor to do for you. You can read the full list of service inclusions on our website.

Our editors are highly qualified and experienced academics as well as professional copyeditors, and many have been postgraduate supervisors or thesis examiners themselves. This gives us the insight needed into exactly what it takes to have a thesis accepted.

Collectively, our editors have edited more postgraduate theses than any other editing service, including for students from every university in Australia and New Zealand and many overseas. I have personally edited over 300 postgraduate theses during an editing career spanning over 16 years. We never fail to significantly improve the theses that we edit.

When you submit your thesis to Capstone Editing using our Premium Copyediting service, your editor will perform a thorough language edit and, if necessary, provide detailed suggestions on any specific areas for improvement (in cases where this can only be done by you, rather than your editor).

Your editor will also carefully edit and cross-check all of your references and ensure the entire thesis is formatted perfectly, following all of your university’s guidelines precisely.

At Capstone Editing, we understand the significant investment your thesis represents and how tremendously important it is to you. Our professional academic editing service really is the best choice for ensuring your thesis is received well, giving you the best chance for acceptance the first time.

If you have any questions, you can contact us at any time. And when you are ready, you can submit your thesis to us for editing through our website.

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