How to

Quality Guarantee

Our commitment to outstanding quality

At Capstone Editing, we pride ourselves on providing the highest-quality academic copyediting available in Australia. Academics and postgraduate students deserve a service that surpasses their expectations, and we go to great lengths to ensure our clients are completely satisfied with the quality of the editing we deliver.

We take this so seriously that we guarantee clients will be satisfied with the quality of our service. To achieve this, we have adopted the most comprehensive quality assurance process in the industry.

From submission to after-care, you can be confident that we are working to provide you with a superior-quality outcome in all aspects of our editing and client support.

Our Guarantee to You


Your document will meet international publication standards for the English language.


If you are not 100% happy with the quality of our work, we will address your concerns immediately, in full and free of charge.


Our highly trained and experienced client support staff will be on hand at every stage of the process, to ensure all your questions and concerns are addressed in a timely manner and to your complete satisfaction.

How We Ensure Quality

We ensure our exceptional quality in the following ways:

  • Our hiring process is rigorous and our training is extremely thorough. We only hire the most talented and experienced academic editors. We then train them further in our own house styles and procedures to ensure their work meets the absolute highest standards, meaning all our editors are delivering superior-quality editing every time.
  • Your instructions and document are carefully checked at the time of submission to ensure that all instructions are complete and correct and that the editor has all the information they need to complete the job.
  • We assign your document to the most suitable editor, based on their area of expertise and experience. We recognise that it is not enough for your editor to have exceptional skills in copyediting generally; they also need an understanding of your general field, to catch issues in logic and clarity, and statements that may require additional support.
  • The editor implements our rigorous, meticulous copyediting method to ensure the work is performed perfectly from start to finish with nothing missed. This method has been developed and continually refined by our most senior editors, to specifically meet the needs of Capstone Editing’s clients. It is by far the most comprehensive and finely tuned method used in the academic editing industry.
  • We ensure quality control by checking a statistically significant portion of the text before it is returned to the client. Periodically, documents receive a complete check, to ensure editors are maintaining our exacting standards. We are extremely proactive in maintaining the quality of our service.
  • Editors receive regular feedback and ongoing professional development. As highly trained and experienced professionals, our academic editors actively participate in all opportunities to refine further their already impressive copyediting skill set. Your editor will always be working at their absolute best.
  • All client feedback is valued as an opportunity to identify ways in which we can further improve our service. We are confident that our service is exceptional in every way, but we recognise the importance of vigilance and diligence in continuing to improve to always ensure we are offering the finest-quality service available.

Implementing Our Quality Guarantee

Of course, despite our best efforts to prove otherwise, we are only human. From time to time, mistakes may remain in our work. This is where our guarantee comes in.

  • If you find errors in your edited document, please email us and we will address your concerns immediately and free of charge. Please provide as many details as possible to help us to address your concerns in full, and attach any necessary documents.
  • In the very unlikely scenario that the above step does not adequately alleviate your concerns, you can make use of our complaints resolution process.

Terms and conditions

Our Quality Guarantee applies under the following conditions:

  • The errors must be pointed out to us within 30 days of receiving your edited work (or within 90 days for documents of over 50,000 words).
  • The corrections required must be within the scope of the original job (e.g., you cannot ask us to change the referencing to APA free of charge if you originally asked for Harvard).
  • We will not conduct any editing free of charge on work that we have not previously edited (e.g., any changes you have made to the document or new sections you have added after we returned the edited document to you). We can help with corrections to documents you have modified but we must charge a fee.
  • You must allow us an adequate amount of time to make the corrections (we will begin them immediately and will discuss with you an appropriate deadline based on the amount of work required).

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