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YECL 2.0 Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Your Editing Career Launched 2.0

Capstone Editing Pty Ltd (Capstone) agrees to provide a course, Your Editing Career Launched 2.0 (the Course), in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The purpose of the Course is to provide education and professional development to assist editors in learning the skills and knowledge necessary to work as professional editors.

The Course is taught wholly online and provided in the form of pre-recorded videos, written materials, written exercises, written resources and a discussion group, as required by you.

The pre-recorded videos, written materials, exercises and resources will be provided to you via an online teaching platform (Thinkific), email and a Facebook group.

As a condition of participating in the Course, you agree to be bound by and abide by all policies and procedures set out in this Agreement.

  1. Enrolment Agreement
  • 1.1 In consideration of your payment of the prescribed fees, Capstone hereby grants you a licence to use the purchased Course, Your Editing Career Launched 2.0.
  • 1.2 The licence is:
  • 1.2.1  limited;
  • 1.2.2  revocable;
  • 1.2.3  non-exclusive;
  • 1.2.4  non-transferable;
  • 1.2.5  not to be sub-licenced; and
  • 1.2.6  subject to the rights and obligations granted under the Agreement.
  • 1.3 The licence is personal to you and cannot be shared or exchanged with others.
  • 1.4 By accepting these terms, you agree to pay the Course fees (including GST) for the Course using the payment method selected on the enrolment form on the Capstone website ( or any other Capstone enrolment page or website (such as
  • 1.5 You accept that you are required to pay the full amount of the Course fees even if you do not complete the Course.
  • 1.6 The duration of the Course is stated on the Capstone website and/or advised at the time of enrolment.
  • 1.7 Course commencement is the date upon which Capstone receives your Course fees in full (or your deposit if you enter into an interest-free repayment plan). You will then receive access to the online teaching platform (Thinkific).
  1. Course Enrolment (Registration)
  • 2.1 Once you have completed your registration (enrolment form) online, you will receive an email acknowledging that Capstone has received and accepted the registration.
  • 2.2 Submission of your registration along with full payment of the Fees (or a deposit) constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of this Agreement (even if you do not later sign the copy of the Agreement that will be emailed to you).
  • 2.3 Course enrolment is complete when you have completed your registration online and made payment of your Course fees in full (or your deposit if you enter into an interest-free repayment plan).
  • 2.4 Course commencement and duration are effective from the date described in clause 2.3 above.
  1. Course Materials and Access
  • 3.1 Course Materials are supplied via the online teaching platform (Thinkific), email and Facebook. They may not be downloaded, shared, copied or in any way published or distributed except for your personal use or for any other purpose permitted in writing by Capstone.
  • 3.2 The content of the Course Materials, including copyright and all other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of Capstone. You may not reproduce or share any part of the Course Materials without the prior written consent of Capstone.
  • 3.3 Course Materials and course content are subject to change. 
  • 3.4 Capstone aims to provide courses and materials of the highest quality. As such, improvements or changes to the Course or any other materials may occur at any time without prior notification in order to ensure that they are up to date and accurate.
  1. Course Cancellation
  • 4.1 Capstone reserves the right to cancel courses when necessary due to unforeseeable circumstances or any other reason.
  • 4.2 In such circumstances, fees paid for the Course may be refunded in accordance with the Refund Policy under Clause 6.
  1. Fees
  • 5.1 The Fees for the Course are A$5,997 (inclusive of GST) or US$4,047. The Fees can be paid upfront or by entering into an interest-free repayment plan.
  • 5.2 From time to time, Capstone may choose to offer discounts, in which case, these Terms and Conditions still apply.
  • 5.3 All discounts, whether advertised or stated in correspondence, are mutually exclusive; that is, only one discount can be applied to any one Course enrolment.
  • 5.4 Currency conversion charges from any other currency are your responsibility.
  • 5.5 Upfront payment may be made by:
  • 5.5.1  bank deposit, Stripe, Thinkific or PayPal; or
  • 5.5.2  credit or debit card via MasterCard, Visa or American Express.
  • 5.6 If you choose a single upfront payment (at the full price of A$5,997 or US$4,047 or any discounted price), such payment must be made immediately at the time of enrolment into the Course.
  • 5.7 If you choose to make payment by instalments by entering into one of the interest-free repayment plans offered on the Capstone website (or any other Capstone enrolment form or website, such as, then that agreement is governed by the terms and conditions of the service provider selected in addition to this Agreement.
  • 5.8 If you enter into an agreement with us to pay the Fees in instalments, you agree that you will pay all instalments until the full Fees have been paid. You must pay the full Fees even if you choose not to or are unable or unwilling to participate in or complete the Course.
  • 5.9 Credit Card Authorisation. You authorise Capstone to automatically charge the credit card that you provided at the time of enrolment for any and all Fees owed, and you agree to keep this information current with Capstone. These automatic charges will be in accordance with the repayment plan that you entered into, for example, 12 monthly payments of US$338 (the full Fees without any discount).
  • 5.10 Failed Payments. If any payment is insufficient or declined for any reason, you will receive an automatic seven (7) calendar day grace period (‘Grace Period’) to pay the outstanding balance owed. If the outstanding balance is not paid before the Grace Period ends, Capstone may remove your access to the Course, and this will not constitute a breach of any term or condition of Capstone’s obligations under this Agreement. You shall not be entitled to any refund or be excused of any payment obligations.
  • 5.11 Disputed Payments. You agree to contact Capstone directly to resolve any disputed payments. Upon enrolment, you waive any right to file a dispute with your credit card provider, PayPal, the payment processor and/or other financial institution regarding the amounts paid or owed by you for the purchase of the Course, even if your access has been revoked for your violation of this Agreement.
  1. Refund Policy
  • 6.1 The complete Course, including all course materials, is provided to you in the form of immediate and full access to the online teaching platform (Thinkific) immediately after you have registered online and made your full payment or deposit. For this reason, Capstone will not provide any refunds for this Course.
  • 6.2 The only situation in which Capstone would provide a refund for this Course would be if, as per clause 4, Capstone decided to cancel the course and, as a result, you did not receive access to the Course.
  1. Confidentiality and Privacy Policy
  • 7.1 Capstone respects your privacy and will not disclose any ‘personal information’ (as that term is defined in the Privacy Act 1988 [Cth]) you provide except as set forth in this Agreement.
  • 7.2 Capstone will make reasonable efforts to keep any such information that we have about you secure and to ensure that any of its employees or agents who have access to information about you do not make any unauthorised use, modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information.
  • 7.3 As a condition of participating in the Course, you hereby agree:
  • 7.3.1  that the content of the Course contains Capstone’s confidential and copyrighted intellectual property, proprietary methods, processes, forms, templates, and other information;
  • 7.3.2  to respect Capstone’s confidential information;
  • 7.3.3  not to share the information, resources or materials provided to you in the Course with anyone other than Capstone and its authorised officers, agents and Collaborators;
  • 7.3.4  to respect the privacy of other Course participants; and
  • 7.3.5  not to share any information provided by other Course participants outside of the bounds of the Course unless you receive express written permission from such other participants to share the information.
  1. Guaranteed Work
  • 8.1 The terms of the ‘guaranteed work’ provided along with the Course in exchange for the Fees are outlined here. You must abide by them to be eligible for this work.
  • 8.2 To be eligible for any paid work or ‘guaranteed work’ as a result of enrolling in this Course and paying the Fees, you must pass the final exam included in the Course with a Distinction grade of 80% overall or higher, as well as 60% or higher in each of the three sections of the exam (as determined by Capstone). To be eligible to sit the exam, you must have completed 100% of the Course in Thinkific.
  • 8.3 Graduating with a Distinction grade will allow you to participate in an eight-document paid trial with Capstone (working on documents for Capstone clients). For this period, you will be hired as a contractor and need to provide Capstone with your ABN (if you are an Australian resident). Each of these documents will be under 10,000 words in length.
  • 8.4 Each document you edit during the paid trial will be re-edited by Capstone. You will be provided with individual feedback on your work and be able to see the corrections and changes that were made prior to Capstone returning the edited document to the client. It is expected that through this process, the quality of your work will improve with each document you edit.
  • 8.5 To be eligible to be hired by Capstone on an ongoing basis as a contractor, during your paid trial, you must return three edited documents in a row that meet our minimum standards. This means that in these documents:
  • 8.5.1  You performed all aspects of the prescribed editing process correctly.
  • 8.5.2  You did not introduce any errors into the language, formatting or referencing.
  • 8.5.3  You did not fail to correct any serious errors in the language, formatting or referencing.
  • 8.5.4  There are few to no minor errors remaining in the language, formatting or referencing.
  • 8.5.5  Complete consistency has been maintained throughout the document through the use of a style sheet.
  • 8.5.6  The comments to the client are appropriate.
  1. Rates of Pay
  • 9.1 During your eight-document paid trial, you will be paid at our Training Editor rate of pay. Prices for clients are as listed on the Company’s website at They may change from time to time at the Company’s discretion. Contractors are paid a percentage of the amount paid by the client to the Company for each job (after subtracting GST). The percentage a Contractor receives depends on whether she or he is a Training Editor, Editor or Senior Editor. Training Editors are paid 40% of the amount paid by the client after subtracting GST.
  • 9.2 If you meet the conditions outlined in clause 8.5 and are hired on an ongoing basis as a contractor, you would be promoted to the position of Editor. Editors are paid 50% of the amount paid by the client after subtracting GST. The next promotion is to the position of Senior Editor. Senior Editors are paid 55% of the amount paid by the client after subtracting GST.
  1. Earnings Disclaimer
  • 10.1 Your success depends entirely on your own effort, motivation, commitment and follow-through. We cannot predict and we do not guarantee that you will attain a particular result, and you accept and understand that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on their unique background, dedication, desire, motivation, actions and numerous other factors. You fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive on or through this Course.
  • 10.2 When you purchase this Course, you understand that there is no guarantee that you will achieve any particular result or outcome using any of the ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations presented. We make no promises or warranties concerning your likelihood of success, performance, future earnings, business profits, marketing performance, customer growth or results of any kind. You understand that with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk, including a loss of capital and loss of customers, and therefore, you assume all responsibility for any such risk.

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