
Promotion Application Editing

What is Different about Promotion Application Editing?

An application for promotion within academia is a rigorous and important process. A successful proposal for promotion provides the applicant with both formal acknowledgement of the hard work and successes achieved over a period of several years, as well as significant financial and reputational gains.

Unlike other forms of academic applications, such as research or grant proposals, a promotion application requires an entire narrative of your contributions to the achievements of your faculty in the areas of teaching and learning, research and service. The specialist editors at Capstone Editing can ensure that your application provides a convincing and compelling narrative of your achievements, enumerated against the measures required by your university and other relevant extenuating factors. This will greatly improve your chances of promotion success.

The Benefits of Promotion Application Editing

An application for their own promotion is something academics often find very challenging to write. When writing about themselves for an audience made up of their colleagues and independent scholars, many accomplished academic writers find themselves wavering as—unsure of the delicate boundary that lies between self-effacement and self-aggrandisement—they vacillate uncomfortably between the two. It can be very difficult to get this balance exactly right so that your achievements within your faculty and contributions to your field are emphasised without seeming overinflated. Capstone Editing’s editors specialise in doing exactly that.

With years of experience as academics and as editors for academics, our copyeditors know exactly what is valued in the academy and are adept at finding the right balance and tone for your proposal for promotion, so that your capabilities and achievements are presented in the best possible light, both for the assessors within your faculty and those assessing it from independent institutions.

Capstone Editing’s experienced academic editors will make certain that your application:
  • Finds the right balance between maintaining honesty and modesty, while still fully demonstrating your achievements and capabilities
  • Provides a consistent and convincing narrative of your academic career and achievements in response to your faculty’s stipulations for promotion
  • Is written appropriately for an audience of both senior colleagues in your faculty who are familiar with you and your work as well as (often international) scholars who are experts in your particular field, who are asked to comment on your achievements
  • Adheres to university-specific stipulations such as word limits
  • Responds directly, clearly and favourably to the stated measurable requirements for promotion
Professional academic editing of your application for promotion guarantees:
  • Consistent referencing and formatting throughout your application
  • Removal of indirect language and modifiers that often occur when a person writes about him or herself
  • Perfect expression, spelling, punctuation and grammar
  • Your best chance of promotion success

Capstone Editing’s Promotion Application Editing Services

There are a variety of services for you to choose from at Capstone Editing to assist you with your application for promotion.

Premium Copyediting

The Premium Copyediting service is our most popular option and incorporates full copyediting of your document. This includes checking for errors or disparities in spelling, punctuation or formatting, as well as ensuring that the style, consistency and structure of your writing is clear and logical. Our copyeditors will also check that your document meets any additional requirements specific to your particular promotion application such as word limits and any other formal stipulations for the application, as provided by your university.

Simply submit your promotion application online for our Premium Copyediting service.

Substantive and Platinum (Heavy) Editing

The following services are available for promotion applications that require more extensive editorial intervention:

  • Substantive Editing:
    This service offers more comprehensive editorial assistance, extending on the aspects covered by the Premium Copyediting service to include revision of the structure, organisation and coherence of the promotion application. In some cases, this may include a rewording of the text to ensure maximum effectiveness in expression and communication. This service is useful for those clients who find it particularly difficult to write unselfconsciously about their own achievements and capabilities.
  • Platinum (Heavy) Editing:
    This service is targeted especially towards ESL writers. It incorporates all features available in the Premium Copyediting service, but includes added assistance with overall organisation and structure of writing, sentence structure and rewording. Our editors will also correct any other problematic areas relating to English usage that arise within the document.

To access either of these services or to find out more about our rates, please email your document to Capstone Editing with a request for our Substantive or Platinum (Heavy) Editing services.


This service is for promotion applications that already read well and do not require a full copyedit. If you are confident with your finished application but require an objective reader for your final draft, Capstone Editing’s professional proofreaders can provide a final close reading to check for consistency of formatting and referencing, minor errors such as typos, and overall presentation. If you would like a quotation for this service, send us an email with your document attached and any further relevant information or instructions.

Tailor-Made Services

If the editing assistance you require for your academic promotion application differs from those we have listed, then Capstone Editing may still be able to help you. We are always happy to offer tailor-made editing solutions to suit the individual needs of our academic clients. This service is especially useful for those editing tasks that are time-consuming, such as collating all your publications into a list with a single referencing style.

Due to the diversity of requests for tailor-made services, prices will vary depending on the extent of the editorial assistance required. If you would like to enquire about this service, simply email your document along with any instructions, and we will provide you with a quotation.

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