How to

On-time Guarantee

Our commitment to reliability

We recognise that our clients require the certainty that comes with a reliable service. To ensure that you know you can depend on us, Capstone Editing guarantees that we will deliver your work by your deadline.

Your deadline is determined by the word length of the document and the service you select. Your chosen deadline will be displayed to you at the time of making your submission so you can be sure you have selected the correct service.

Once you have completed your order and made payment, you will receive an automated email verifying that we have received your submission. Once one of our client support staff has carefully checked your submission, including all documents and instructions, you will receive an email confirming your deadline. This is the deadline to which our guarantee applies (unless otherwise arranged with you).

Our Guarantee to You


The details of your submission will be carefully checked by our highly trained and experienced client support staff before being sent to the editor who has been chosen specifically for your document.


If any information is missing that is required to begin editing your document, we will contact you immediately. Your turnaround time may not be able to begin until we have received that information. In this case, we would send you a new email confirming your new deadline.


In the extremely unlikely event that we were to miss your deadline due to circumstances beyond our control, we would not only return your fee in full, but also finish editing your document with the greatest urgency and to our highest standards. The fully edited document will be returned to you as soon as possible and completely free of charge.

Terms and conditions

Our On-time Guarantee applies under the following conditions:

  • If after submitting your document, you ask us to complete additional work that means we need to extend the deadline, the guarantee will then apply to the new deadline we set.
  • If you agree to give us an extension on the deadline for any reason, the guarantee will then apply to the new deadline.
  • Our On-time Guarantee applies equally to our Last-Minute service, once we have agreed on a deadline with you.

We have met your deadline if we send your edited document (or a link to download your edited document from our website or from a cloud-storage program such as Dropbox if your file is too large to be emailed) to the email address you provided us by the deadline stated in your deadline confirmation email.

If we have done this, we have not missed your deadline even if:

  • We send your document on time to the email address you gave us but it does not work for any reason (e.g., you gave us the wrong email address, your inbox is full or the email is blocked by your spam filter).
  • We send your document on time but it does not download to your computer until after the deadline.
  • We send you an email by your deadline informing you that your edited document is complete and can be downloaded from the client login area on our website (or using a cloud-storage program such as Dropbox), but you do not log in and download it until after the deadline.

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